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Just as informative as an on-site visit – but without the drive and with absolutely no carbon emissions. Simply click your way through the Lippe Plant’s different facilities.

1. Welcome to the Lippe Plant
9. Metal slag processing
11. Processing of high-risk animal by-products
15. Sorting of mixed waste
2. Treatment of organic waste
3. Production of biodiesel
4. Production of binding agents
5. Production of sodium aluminate
8. Production of white minerals
16. Treatment of infectious waste
12. Fluidised-bed power station
6. Plastics recycling
13. Timber processing
14. Biomass-fired power plant
10. Second-use battery storage
7. Recycling of cooling appliances
Treatment of organic waste
Production of biodiesel
Production of binding agents
Production of sodium aluminate
Plastics recycling
Recycling of cooling appliances
Production of white minerals
Metal slag processing
Second-use battery storage
Processing of high-risk animal by-products
Fluidised-bed power station
Timber processing
Biomass-fired power plant
Sorting of mixed waste
Treatment of infectious waste